● Glider Rides with a FAA Certificated Pilot, by appointment.
E-mail marfagliders@aol.com for rates and availability.
● Gift Certificates for future Glider Rides or Lessons.
● Flight Instruction - Flight Reviews or advanced soaring techniques.
● “RUSTY PILOT" course to update your knowledge and proficiency.
● Private/Commercial/CFIG Practical Tests ("checkrides") with Burt Compton, FAA Designated Pilot Examiner. Ask me about my annual FREE CHECKRIDE offer! (I fly year-round.)
● Flight Instructor "add-on" ratings, renewals and reinstatements.
● Towpilot training / FAA "24-month" re-currency endorsements.
● Aerotows and ramp services for private sailplanes by appointment.
● Coaching on thermaling, accuracy landings and cross-country soaring.
● "Crew Course" - tips on how to be a great XC crew for your pilot!
● Enjoy my Glider Hangar (80' by 80' with 60' door opening) and shaded picnic area surrounded by lots of Bermuda grass. Browse my soaring memorabilia, my photos of the Marfa contests of the 1960's - 1970's.
● Advice on family activities, horseback riding, star-gazing at the McDonald Observtory telescopes, hiking in Davis Mountains State Park, the new restsursnts, shops and art galleries in Marfa or the nearby towns of Fort Davis and Alpine.
● Referrals for accommodations including studio "casitas”, rental houses and the beautifully restored Hotel Paisano and much more at our tourism website www.visitmarfa.com
RV parks are located in Marfa, Fort Davis and Alpine. No camping or RV parking anywhere on Marfa Airport, as of June 2012.
Annual Offer — Free Checkrides for FAA Glider Pilot ratings:
November through June at Marfa, Texas. FREE CHECKRIDES for qualified students to earn initial or "add-on" FAA glider pilot licenses for Private, Commercial and Flight Instructor (renewal and reinstatement) with me, your FAA Designated Pilot Examiner at Marfa, Texas. Also includes a free room in my guesthouse, just 3 miles from Marfa Airport. All of your FAA required solo flights must be accomplished before coming to Marfa for your checkride. (Optional pre-checkride dual training in my ASK-21 sailplane can be scheduled at my regular rates, unchanged since 2010.) Send me an E-mail to discuss dates and details at: marfagliders@aol.com
Flying is quite nice in winter at Marfa and I am also available to fly with you (rides and instruction) over the Christmas -- New Year's holidays.
E-mail me at marfagliders@aol.com for details.