Burt Compton is a Traveling FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) for All Glider Rating Checkride Tests for your Private, Commercial, Flight Instructor (including "Initial" CFIG), Reinstatements & Renewals
I'm a FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) authorized to travel to anywhere in the USA, including Alaska and Hawaii, to conduct all FAA Glider Pilot Practical Tests ("checkrides").
In addition to Private and Commercial tests, I also conduct all CFI-Glider Practical Tests ("checkrides") including INITIAL CFI, the 24 month CFI Renewals or Reinstatements of expired Flight Instructor Certificates. (Adding / Renewing a CFI Glider category renews all CFI ratings.)
Burt Compton, Master CFI / FAA Designated Pilot Examiner
- 2010 recipient of the Soaring Society of America Warren Eaton Trophy for contributions to training and safety in the USA, the highest award given by the SSA.
- FAA District Flight Instructor of the Year 2001, 2007, 2009.
- 2017 recipient of the FAA Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award for over 50 years of safe flying since my first solo flight in 1967.
- Owner: Marfa Gliders Soaring Center in far southwest Texas www.flygliders.com
- Board member of the Soaring Safety Foundation, Manager of the "Site Survey" program.
Ready to travel to your gliderport to conduct a FREE Site Survey by your invitation. 132 FREE Site Safety Surveys conducted across the USA since 2001, sponsored by the Soaring Safety Foundation.
Let's discuss details, dates and how you might be able to reduce the cost of a checkride by having your club also request a FREE Soaring Safety Foundation "Site Survey."
E-mail: burtcompton@aol.com

On Facebook as "Burton Compton" to follow my adventures and for your amusement.